Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Passive verbs

The Passive is shown in Arabic by a change in the vowelling on the verb.

In Form I present tense, the vowels which change are the first (which falls on the pronominal prefix) and the second (which is on the second root letter). This combination of vowels is constant for all form I verbs, no matter what vowel the verb originally takes in the active. The third vowel (which falls on the pronominal suffix) is not affected by the passive, so is the same as the active present tense.

Present Active:
يَضْرِبُ YAdrIbU - he is hitting (sth)
1st vowel (prefix) fatha A, 2nd vowel changeable (A, U or I, depending on verb)

Present Passive:
يُضْرَبٌ YUdrAbU - he is being hit
1st vowel (prefix) damma U, 2nd vowel fatha A

Full conjugation
The most common form of the passive is the 3rd person sing (it, he, she), but the other forms are shown below too. As you will see, the vowelling for the passive is nice and regular.

أُضْرَبُ UdrAbU - أََنَا - I am being hit
نُضْرَبُ NUdrAbU- نَحْنُ - we are being hit

تُضْرَبُ TUdrAbU - أَنْتَ - you (s, m) are being hit
تُضْرَبِينَ TUdrAbINA - أَنْتِ - you (s, f) "
تُضْرَبُونَ TUdrAbUNA - أَنْتُمْ - you (pl) "

يُضْرَبٌ YUdrAbU- هُوَ - he is being hit
تُضْرَبُ TUdrAbU- هِيَ - she "
يُضْرَبُونَ YUdrAbUNA- هُمْ - they are being hit