Monday, April 6, 2009

Abbreviations used in this blog

For beginners and GCSE-level posts, I will try to avoid using complicated grammatical terminology but will explain things as clearly as possible.

At a higher level, it gets more important to try to understand the underlying grammar, and then this terminology is essential!

At AS and A2 level, when describing the use of language, I will inevitably use some of the following grammatical jargon and abbreviations:

sth - something
sb - somebody or someone
pl - plural
sing - singular
fem - feminine
masc - masculine
nom - nominative
acc - accusative
gen - genitive
Form I - the first verb form or shape, derived from an Arabic root. There are 8 commonly used verb forms (and some other rarely used ones which I don't refer to). I'll post some links to more information on this shortly...

See here if you don't know what I mean by GCSE, AS and A2